
A Letter to the Editor

Image by The Guardian

On one subject the world is united: Pressuring Israel to give up land (which was conquered in a war begun by her enemies) in order to create a never-before-seen terrorist entity. Pointing out the world’s hypocrisy, a liberal Israeli reader wrote to The Jerusalem Post:




Although I am willing to accept a Palestinian state living in peace with Israel, it should be conditioned on the following…states coming into being on the same day:

• France supporting an independent Corsica
• Spain supporting Basque and Catalonian homelands
• England supporting independent Scotland and Wales
• Iraq supporting an independent Kurdistan
• Morocco supporting an independent Polisario homeland
• Egypt supporting an independent Coptic homeland
• Lebanon supporting an independent Christian state
• Australia supporting an independent Aboriginal homeland.

There are additional possibilities, such as an independent Native American region, but I do not wish to be ahead of my time.

–Larry Lefkowitz, October 12, 2017